Course Materials

Textbooks and other course materials can be purchased within thirty days of your enrollment from an online vendor of your choice, from a physical bookstore such as Half Price Books or Barnes and Noble, or through a link to the online textbook materials from within the course (for some courses). Refer to the course web page for your course or your course's Syllabus for required course materials in your course.

Purchasing Course Materials from an Online Vendor or Bookstore of Your Choice

When purchasing required materials for a course, be sure to purchase the correct edition of the material and to verify that the material's International Standard Book Number (ISBN) matches that listed on the course website.

Purchasing Course Materials from within your Course, in Canvas

If your course uses an electronic textbook or other online course materials, you may be able to purchase course materials online, from a link within your course. Refer to the course website and to your course's syllabus for directions, if purchasing course materials online is required for your course.


Should you require any assistance in locating course materials, please call Online and Extended Programs at 512.245.2322.

Please keep in mind that all materials should be purchased within 30 days of enrollment; after 30 days, materials may no longer be available for your course.