Before You Enroll

Some Advice

Online self-paced study can be liberating. Whether you move to a new location, work irregular hours, have family obligations, or find that you need to put your studies aside for a while, you can take an online self-paced course wherever you are and whenever is convenient. This freedom is ideal for the student who needs an alternative to the traditional classroom. It’s important, however, to be aware that an online self-paced course not only requires the same amount of work as courses offered on campus but also presents unique challenges to students who are accustomed to classroom instruction. Here are some things to consider before enrolling. 

Because online self-paced study affords you the freedom to choose when to work on the course, you may find that procrastination prevents you from either starting or finishing your course. For this reason, don’t put off the first assignment. Jump right in and get started as soon as you enroll. Here are some tips to help you stay on track.

Students walking along the bridge to the theatre building

Some Tips

  1. Before enrolling in an online self-paced course, take the Online Learning Readiness Self-Assessment, which will help you determine if online self-paced courses are a good fit for you.
  2. Be resourceful in your approach to learning on your own. Remember, you’re responsible for keeping yourself motivated.
  3. Develop a reasonable study plan and stick to it.
  4. Do the assignments while the material is still fresh in your mind.
  5. Take notes as you study, particularly with the material you find difficult. You can refer to these notes when completing your assignments.
  6. Don’t skip a planned study session. Once you develop a routine, it’s important not to break it.
  7. Be assertive. If you don’t understand something, ask. You may not be in a classroom, but you do have an instructor who wants you to succeed. Your instructor is the single best resource for helping you to understand challenging material.
  8. Form a study group. If you know someone who is taking the same course, study together. While your work must be your own, it helps to discuss the material and get feedback from someone else.
  9. Make the material relevant to you. Read related articles, watch related TV programs, and discuss what you are learning with others.
  10. If you find that you have a problem staying motivated, review your study skills. Decide what works and what doesn’t. Then, make the necessary changes in your study routine.
  11. Remain positive. It is easy to get discouraged when you’re trying to learn something new. Remember all the resources available to you and put them to use.

Important Refund Information

Before you register for an online self-paced course, ensure that this course is applicable to the degree plan you are seeking. Check with your academic advisor before registering for your course to ensure that you are registering for the correct course. Once you have registered and paid for your course, registration charges cannot be fully refunded if you drop the course.  Please review the Withdrawal Refund Schedule on the Costs page for complete information.